We want to post your article expressing an understanding of Who Jesus Really Is! We recently expanded this (upon the request of a reader) to testimonies of how knowing Jesus has changed your life. In an attempt to expand and diversify the information available on the Web site, we are soliciting input from you, our audience. As you can see, there is much work to be done. This site is designed to be an information resource for those hungry for truth and an source of enlightenment for those individuals with questions. If you see or think of a topic suitable for this site, you could provide the body. If you see an important element that has been overlooked, submit it for posting. Please submit suggestions and articles for review and editing via E-mail to us. Testimonies will not be edited for content, but posted as received, except for minor spelling and punctuation corrections. We reserve the right to reject articles and do not necessarily adopt the position of all articles posted. Please be patient, we are volunteers with full-time jobs, families, and many other commitments. We are doing the best we can to update and expand the site. Please continue to show your interest by your visits, contributions, E-Mails, and most of all, your prayers. Thank you. Go to: Audience Articles Table of Contents